SoftWave Wound Care in Seabrook TX

*Medical service is provided by licensed NP Lindsey Jones under the supervision of Dr. Jason Kouri MD.

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Accelerates healing | Better results

Patented low intensity shock wave technology for Advanced Wound Care in Seabrook TX

Chiropractic Seabrook TX Softwave Foot Ulcer
62 yr old DFU patient after 4 SoftWave sessions

Mechanisms of Action

  • Modulates inflammation
  • Increased blood supply
  • Stimulates cytokines and growth factors
  • Promotes Angiogenesis
  • Wound epithelialization
  • Tissue Regeneration
  • Fast Healing
  • Non-invasive and safe
  • Well tolerated
  • Fast treatment times
  • Easy to use
  • FDA Cleared for DFU
  • Less costly than HBOT, NPWT, & CPT
Chiropractic Seabrook TX Softwave Machine

Let the healing begin one softwave at a time

Chiropractic Seabrook TX Softwave Leg Ulcer
Chiropractic Seabrook TX Softwave Healing Ulcer
Chiropractic Seabrook TX Softwave Dermawave Ulcer
Chiropractic Seabrook TX Softwave Clinical Benefits

Click on the above image to access our white paper

Chiropractic Seabrook TX Softwave Flow Chart

SoftWave initiates a more rapid and effective healing phase.

It is thought to work by:

  • Increasing the blood flow to the wounded area
  • Stimulating the neovascularization and growth factors
  • Modulating the inflammatory process
  • Stimulating osteoclasts and fibroblasts to rebuild injured tissue
  • Facilitating resorption of calcification in tendons and ligaments
  • Stimulating the migration of resident stem cells

Extra Corporeal Shock Wave Therapy (EWST) in Seabrook TX

Extra Corporeal Shock Wave Therapy (EWST) has been widely used to treat a wide range of conditions, including complex and chronic non-healing soft tissue wounds with different etiologies, such as DFUs, peripheral arterial diseases, venous leg ulcers, and pressure ulcers.

ESWT has been demonstrated to positively impact the four stages of wound healing:

Inflammation: Low-energy shock waves can lower the pro-inflammatory response, induce the anti-inflammatory profile in macrophages, and alter the expression of cytokines and chemokines. Shock waves also reduce leukocyte and macrophage infiltration in isograft tissue and decrease the corresponding macrophage-derived inflammatory protein response.

Infection: Shock waves have a bactericidal effect and can reduce the bacterial burden of the wound. They also increase the number of microvessels and improve the delivery of antibiotics to an infected wound.

Apoptosis and necrosis: Shock wave treatment can decrease cellular apoptosis and reduce the necrosis of wounds.

Remodeling and neovascularization: Shock wave treatment can accelerate granulation and re-epithelialization and reduce scar formation. It also increases overall blood circulation and stimulates cutaneous and muscular microcirculation.

Chiropractic Seabrook TX Softwave Graph

EWST is an adjunctive therapy that can be combined with standard wound care therapies.

ESWT is an evidence-based, non-invasive, convenient treatment for chronic wounds, including DFUs. One study found that using ESWT to treat chronic wounds resulted in nearly three-fourths (74.03%) of wounds closing and not reappearing in the same location.

Moreover, a meta-analysis that looked at five randomized studies implementing EWST across multiple types of wounds, including burns and DFUs, found a 20% absolute efficacy advantage for ESWT relative to control treatments and achievement of 50% of the performance goals outlined for ESWT effectiveness.

SoftWave's patented applicator is the difference

The SoftWave TRT patented, unfocused applicator design makes it possible to spread energy to a large treatment area to stimulate the body’s natural healing process and without microtrauma.

Powerful treatment area of 7cm x 12cm

Chiropractic Seabrook TX Patented Technology
Chiropractic Seabrook TX Softwave Acceleration Graph

SoftWave produces a TRUE shock wave that accelerates wound healing.

SoftWave Treatment offers patients a more convenient and cost effective healing option

  • Extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) can effectively shorten the healing period and reduce the ineffectiveness of diabetic foot ulcer treatment by 4.8-fold.
  • ESWT is not only superior to standard wound care, but also significantly better than hyperbaric oxygen therapy as an adjuvant treatment.
  1. Huang et al (2019). Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy for Treating Foot Ulcers in Adults With Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Canadian Journal of Diabetes, 44 (2020) 196-204
Chiropractic Seabrook TX Softwave vs Other Technologies
Chiropractic Seabrook TX Faster Healing Time and Cost Effective

SoftWave Therapy

SoftWave therapy is typically a 10-minute treatment performed once a week for 6-8 weeks. SoftWave produces an unfocused shock wave which has the patented advantage of distributing maximum energy to a wide and deep area. This makes for reduced treatments and better outcomes.

Chiropractic Seabrook TX Softwave Reimbursement Guide

Reimbursement Pathway with CPT Codes 0512T and 0513T


8:00am - 6:00pm

8:00am - 6:00pm

8:00am - 6:00pm

8:00am - 6:00pm


Saturday & Sunday

Gulf Coast Healthcare

2825 E NASA Pkwy #100
Seabrook, TX 77586

(281) 532-3160